Saturday, February 24, 2007

Complexity and XBR

As I am now listening very interesting postcasts of Interviews conducted by Jon Udell , I found this relatively old posting related to a discussion of Jon related to XBRL, and in particular the concern about the complexity of this system.

XBRL follow-up

Note: As I am trying to collect information about complexity, I realise that not real research exists on complexity of information systems (which I consider as something that appears of critical importance in Information Systems). Well, this is not exactly true, since there has been a lot of work on the complexity of algorithm (NP-complete, exponential, etc.), or complexity according to complex Systems approach (fractals, etc.). But I believe this kind of research is not able to cover a very important point: Complexity of an information systems related to architecture and agility, and the property of an information system to be able to change with an adequate level of effort and resources. For instance this point is related to ideas such as locality (being able to change something without having some side effects), or simplicity of the number of concepts manipulated (Razor of Ocam) and in particular being able to understand the system without having first to understand a Zillions of concepts.