Wednesday, October 05, 2005

O'Reilly Network: What Is Web 2.0

O'Reilly Network: What Is Web 2.0


At 1:12 AM, Blogger Thierry Nabeth said...

>> I could suffix many things with 2.0.

And I believe this is eaxctly what people are doing.
See for instance the "Media 2.0" tab in Cnet

So there is definitively a hype effect. The question is about if there is something tanginme behind, which I think so.
(about a way to perceive the world that is more loosy coupled and emergent).

>> most of the changes that define Web 2.0 are changes that were going to happen anyway.

Probably. (althought sometime, things do not happen).

The concept of Web 2.0, is not something totally new, at least in term of technologies, and even in perspective (we find many ideas that were at the origine of the web).

What is interesting is that there is a momentum behind this implementation of this vision of a web that is more distributed, more active.
And also that a name has been chosen, and that more people are switching perspective from a controled work to a more "ermergent" word.

One of the typical exemple is the different appoach taken to "explicitly" anotate content (define semantic).

And in particular the Ontology approach (very controled) and the Tagging one, more distributed.

Finally, I would just like to cite this 2002 article (before the Web 2.0 becaamed hype) about a fodamental difference between Web services and DCOM, CORBA, or RMI.
Second Generation Web Services
by Paul Prescod,, February 06, 2002

"Some believe that the problem was that Microsoft and the OMG supporters could not get along. I disagree. There is a deeper issue. RPC models are great for closed-world problems. " ...

"On the other hand, when your user base is too large to communicate coherently you need a different strategy."

To my opinion, Web 2.0 is the approach of the world that propose this different strategy.

Just to conclude about this hype effect. The fonction of Hype things, is to attract people attention. (on something that may have already existed for some time)
The important question is whether their is something tangible behind this hype.

In the case of Web 2.0, I believe the answer is yes.


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